Tuesday, October 4, 2011

All-Ireland Colleges 60 x 30 finals come to Crossakiel

McDermott Cup

It will be a very busy weekend for club officials with the announcement that the All-Ireland Colleges 60 x 30 finals will take place in the club on Saturday morning. And just 24 hours later the Club's McDermott Cup 60 x 30 doubles tournament for Junior/Masters players will take place. The playing court is one of the premier 60 x 30 courts in the country and last hosted All-Ireland senior hardball final back in the late 1990's. A lot of work has taken place to bring the court up to standard in the last 18 months and it is hoped that many more All-Ireland 60 x 30 finals will be played in our club.

The Draws for the 2011 McDermott Cup will take place on Wednesday evening and will appear on the website on Thursday. Games will take place on Sunday morning at 10 am in Kells and Crossakiel. Finals will take place in Crossakiel. It is expected that 16 teams from all over the county will take part. Preparations have been going well and officials have been busy to make sure the tournament will prove to be an even greater success than last year.

Saturday 8th October 2011, in Crossakiel, Meath, 11.30am:

Girls Junior Doubles:
SF1: Glenamaddy CS (Mary Fahy, Elaine Mitchell) v Dean Maguire, Carrickmore (Aoife Kelly, Eilise McCrory)
SF2: Rice College, Ennis, Clare (Natasha Coughlan, Michelle Nihill) v Castlecomer CS or Col Chiarain, Leixlip or Borris VS

Boys Intermediate Doubles:
SF1: Glenamaddy CS (Enda Connelly, Jason Ryan) v Dean Maguirc College, Carrickmore (Gabhan McCrystal, Patrick McCrory)
SF2: St. Josephs College Tulla, Clare (Colin Corbett, Niall Bolton) v St. Kieran’s College or Good Counsel or St. Peter’s Wexford

Boys Intermediate Singles:
SF1: Glenamaddy CS (Cathal Connelly) v St. Paul’s, Bessbrook (Conall McCavitt)
SF2: John the Baptist Community School Hospital, Limerick (Padraig Quish) v Col Eamann Ris Callan or St. Mary’s Enniscorthy or St. Peter’s Wexford

FINAL Girls Junior Doubles
FINAL Boys Intermediate Doubles
FINAL Boys Intermediate Singles

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